09 Jan
  • By timcooper
  • Cause in

Research & Culture: Hispanics and Latinos

The following resources were compiled by the NHMRC to serve as a reference for practitioners, marriage and family researchers, advocates, and other professionals interested in learning more about marriage and  Hispanics and Lantinos.These resources are intended to provide an introduction to the cultural population and highlight information on marriage in that cultural population. These are […]

09 Jan
  • By timcooper
  • Cause in

Research & Culture: Native Americans

The following resources were compiled by the NHMRC to serve as a reference for practitioners, marriage and family researchers, advocates, and other professionals interested in learning more about marriage and  Native Americans.These resources are intended to provide an introduction to the cultural population and highlight information on marriage in that cultural population. These are not […]

09 Jan
  • By timcooper
  • Cause in

Hispanics and Family-Strengthening Programs

This brief describes the adaptations and refinements undertaken by nine selected grantees to make their services more culturally responsive. The adaptations included addressing issues of language, diversity, racism, and immigration, and incorporating cultural constructs like familismo, confianza, personalismo, and respeto. These adaptations were made to improve the recruitment, retention, overall participation, and effectiveness of the […]

09 Jan
  • By timcooper
  • Cause in

Fruits of Improved Communication

Marital and relationship education (MRE) has demonstrated its efficacy as a viable intervention helpful to couples and individuals who receive it. However, an overrepresentation of Caucasian populations existed in MRE research resulting in a need to understand how MRE is received by those in underserved populations. The current study reports the findings derived from focus […]