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The National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC) is pleased to introduce the Marriage/Relationship Education (MRE) Program Development and Management Manual. The manual is designed to help practitioners and administrators create an MRE program that meets the needs of their target audience, building on the experiences of those who have gone before. The manual draws from previously developed resources created by the NHMRC, and incorporates tools and strategies suggested by those working in the MRE field.

Starting with building capacity in your own organization and among other community stakeholders and extending through evaluation activities, the manual draws from the experiences of the past five years and the implementation of MRE in a variety of community-based settings. There are many opportunities for social service organizations to expand the MRE work to reach couples and individuals throughout the life course. We hope that you find this resource answers your questions, helps you consider various strategies, and implement an effective program. The manual is available here as a PDF.


The Case Manager Toolkit is a new resource designed for community-based practitioners working in a case management setting with couples. It will help guide the worker to web-based resources and a wealth of information, products and materials that further support case managers in their work with couples in a one-on-one setting. This toolkit will:

  • Familiarize practitioners with the needs of couples around strengthening their relationship;
  • Provide activities to be used in a one-on-one setting with couples to discuss common relationship challenges; and
  • Build skills among couples to manage their relationship.

Be sure to check out our other toolkits: Facilitator Toolkit (one of our most popular resources!), National Guard Toolkit and the Evaluation Toolkit.

By the way, all of our resources are available for free and are used by programs across the United States and globally! We recently received a request from an entity in South Africa to use information from our site in an educational video for health care providers.

BestBlogTwoofus.org named among the 10 Best Blogs for Couples by DatingAdvice.com Here’s what they had to say about twoofus.org:

Bragging Rights: quality, balanced and timely information

Two of Us is the couples blog for the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center, devoted to important, fair and relevant articles and posts. The site breaks down the couples’ experience into five categories (dating, exclusive, engaged, married and parents), so it’s easy to find what you need. Bonus: Take the My Heart Chart quiz to learn your commitment style.

Social Clout: 18,322+ likes, 4,186+ followers

We consider ourselves far more than a blog, but hey, we’re not complaining!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

No More

We encourage you to utilize resources from the No More campaign and our friends at the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence.

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