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Men of Vision was first launched in Miami-Dade County Public Schools and Arkansas High School in Dollarway as a pilot program developed specifically for culturally diverse populations. Men of Vision is a complement to marriage education, pregnancy prevention, and healthy relationship education as it augments these interventions with job and career development training, life skill education, self-esteem building, and promoting responsible fatherhood.

Based on research from the Search Institute on the skills necessary for positive youth development, the Men Of Vision  curriculum was developed specifically for Black and Hispanic male and is designed to infuse them with foundational traits that promote positive identify formation, resiliency, responsibility, and maturity.

These skills are built over the course of seven chapters which include:
Chapter 1: Vision – How to establish a vision for the future and set goals to get there.

Chapter 2 Wisdom – Teaches how to find solutions to problems. And how to make decisions that keep you on track towards your future goals.

Chapter 3 Responsibility – Teaches job search and employability skills.

Chapter 4 Integrity – Identifies the morals and values and beliefs that guide your actions.

Chapter 5 Self-Control – Teaches you how to control your anger, sexual desires, and actions while building intolerance for abusive interactions.

Chapter 6 Strength & Endurance – Helps identify potential barriers you may face to achieve your goals and gives you a plan for overcoming them.

Love & Commitment – Teaches you about responsible fatherhood, healthy marriages, and how to find support networks.

Men of Vision’s program components are multimedia in design and include:
1. A student textbook
2. Interactive video lessons via an interactive DVD and a subscription to The Marriage University, an online healthy relationship training center established by the curriculum developer
3. Digital Mentoring Tool
4. Teacher Manual and certification training

Men of Vision’s Digital Mentoring Tool leverages the power of mentorship and multimedia instruction to provide a digital tool for the 21st century learner that avails male youth of color with positive images and role models who may have come from the same humble beginnings as them. The tool provides a convenient and impactful forum for vulnerable youth to learn of the obstacles that others have encountered, and gain inspiration from seeing the varying paths that each mentor took to arrive at a successful outcome.
Men of Vision’s single-sex format creates opportunities that don't exist in the coed classroom. Students benefit from gender-reaffirming instruction that instills confidence and a strong sense of personal value.

RTV’s comprehensive online Teacher Certification program qualifies instructors to teach this curriculum.


Contact Dr. Jacqueline Del Rosario: