Healthy marriage and relationship programs across the country are helping individuals and couples achieve happy, healthy, and stable relationships. Whether your program is new or established, privately funded or funded by a government entity, we can help you with free tools and resources!
For Marriage Educators
Is it Ever too Late for Marriage/Relationship Education?
While marriage/relationship education (MRE) is neither a silver bullet nor a method of therapy, it can be a vehicle for positive change in most couple relationships. So is it ever too late for MRE? Not if the couple is invested in having a healthy and satisfying relationship.
Helping Low Literacy Individuals in Marriage and Relationship Education
Low literacy is a great trial for delivering marriage and relationship education (MRE) or any other education-based prevention program. Thus, the need to appropriately adapt a program and curriculum is vital in order to effectively connect with the audience.
Helping Couples Heal from Upsets
What is the role of the MRE facilitator in helping couples heal, given that their purpose is to educate and coach, but not to provide therapy?
Moving from a Free to a Fee-for-Service Marriage/Relationship Education Program Model
Maintaining program viability is not the only reason for charging a fee. Assigning a monetary value to your services may help establish more credibility in the community. Asking participants to pay for services may also increase commitment levels and retention.
Teens and Sexting: Tips for Discussion in Relationship Education Programs
Marriage/relationship education (MRE) is a natural setting for providing teens with the tools they may need to make good decisions about sexting.
Distinguishing Among Types of Intimate Partner Violence: What it Could Mean for MRE Practitioners
An important and influential debate has been growing within the intimate partner violence (IPV) field for the past 15 or so years: Are there different types of intimate partner violence (commonly known as domestic violence), and if so, why does this matter?
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