Why Do We Track Divorce Rates?
Statistics on marriage and divorce are of great interest to federal, state, and local public officials, researchers, and members of the general public. Stories based on these statistics—for example, reporting on whether divorce rates are rising or falling—often appear in the media and are considered key indicators of family strength and child wellbeing. However, people are frequently confused and misled by these data and think they are more reliable than they are. The full brief aims to clarify the confusion and explain the complexities involved in counting divorce.
Project Relate leads the nation in providing a free, statewide marriage education system that has reached over 400,000 Oklahomans. Project Relate is changing future generations by helping individuals and couples prepare for and sustain healthy relationships and marriages. Through the systematic, statewide deployment of its research-proven curriculum, Oklahomans are acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary for relationship resiliency and satisfaction. A comprehensive body of research is clear that adults and children will be the direct beneficiaries of the stronger, more stable families formed and supported by this effort and from a generation of youth and adults accustomed to being active learners and help-seekers for their most important relationships. Please visit www.projectrelate.com for more information.