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Group Size: 11 to 25
Time Needed: Throughout the duration of class
Goal: Explore an activity for creative expression and to relieve stress
Audience: Couples, Teens, Parents, Singles
Special Considerations: None
Resources Needed: Butcher/craft paper cut to fit tables, colored markers or crayons, tape to secure paper to table

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Cover each table before the class with paper, and place a variety of markers or crayons on the table.
  2. As the class begins, let the participants know that the paper is there for them to doodle. Encourage participants to doodle on the paper throughout the morning part of the class. You can have the participants doodle according to a theme for the day, for example, have them doodle about their hopes for the future, or about their family, etc.
  3. When class breaks for lunch, the facilitator takes the paper and posts it on the wall or someplace on the floor where people can see it.
  4. When they return from lunch, participants can casually look at the doodles, or ask the participants at different tables to guess which table created which doodles.

Tips for Discussion and Processing

Discuss how “doodling” often results in creative expression. It also is a good stress reliever and helps people remember thoughts and ideas.

Note: These activities can be modified to reflect a variety of skills.