Group Size: 11 to 50
Time Needed: 5 to 30+ minutes
Goal: help participants get acquainted and to build team camaraderie.
Audience: Couples, Teens, Parents, Singles
Special Considerations: Make an effort to collect quotations from a multitude of recognizable and yet ethnic diverse celebrities so as to not alienate participants.
Resources Needed:
- Flip Chart pages or large poster boards
- Tape
- Markers
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Prior to class, facilitator finds quotations or inspirational thoughts and writes them on paper from the flip chart or on poster board. A larger group will need more quotes, depending on what size the facilitator wants the smaller groups to be.
- Facilitator then arranges quotes on wall throughout classroom.
- When participants gather, they are instructed to find the quote that most inspires them.
- Have participants stand by the quote they have chosen. As a smaller group have them discuss with each other why they chose that quote.
- If desired, go around the room and have participants discuss why they picked that quote, and what it means to them.
Tips for Discussion and Processing
This is a great activity to get participants thinking about similarities to others in the group, which really helps build group cohesion. It often leads to a great discussion on how we are similar and different and how something can be very meaningful to one person but not to another. This can also be an activity used simply for getting acquainted or you can tie it into bigger things such as “how can this quote inspire you in your marriage”, “How does this quote relate to you in your work-place”, “How does this quote inspire you as a parent” and so on. This is also a fun way to break your group up into smaller groups for other activities.
Note: These activities can be modified to reflect a variety of skills.