Group Size: 11 to 50
Time Needed: 10 minutes
Goal: Encouragement and fun, helps with goodbyes
Audience: Couples, Children, Teens, Singles, Parents
Special Considerations: Bring your ear plugs! This activity can get loud.
Resources Needed:
- One small “post it” note per participant
- One large balloon per participant
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Pass out one post it note and one balloon per participant.
- Tell them to think of an inspirational thought or saying that they like and to write it down on paper. Remind them to make sure that it is completely positive. Have them insert the post it note into the balloon and then to blow up and tie the balloon.
- Instruct them to remember the color of their balloon and then to toss it into open area of classroom.
- Tell participants to pick a balloon that is not their color and to pop it.
- After everyone in group has popped their balloon have them share the message they got with the other participants. This can also be done as last activity of the day in which case everyone pops their balloon but does not share the quote they got.
Tips for Discussion and Processing
This is a very loud and active exercise. Be prepared to help some folks blow up their balloons or tie them off. This is a fantastic way to end a group.
Note: These activities can be modified to reflect a variety of skills.