In May 2009, the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC) and the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) co-sponsored the conference “”Toward a Common Understanding: Domestic Violence Typologies and Implications for Healthy Marriage and Domestic Violence Programs”” at the Airlie Conference Center in Warrenton, Virginia. The conference brought together a diverse set of 35 experts to critically examine the underlying research on different types of intimate partner violence (IPV) and consider their implications for practice. This guide summarizes the conference presentations and work group discussions and, based on these, puts forward some conclusions and recommendations. Part 1 outlines the best known typologies of couple violence and male batterers and discusses gaps in the research. Part 2 begins with a discussion of the key elements involved in creating collaborative partnerships between marriage and relationship education (MRE) and domestic violence (DV) at State and local levels. It next summarizes the processes and tools MRE programs use to address DV concerns and promote safety throughout their activities, and presents dilemmas they have experienced. Part 3 describes key differences among MRE programs and identifies core IPV strategies and tools that all MRE programs should use, as well as those that depend upon how well program staff get to know their participants. The final part begins with a discussion of key elements involved in creating collaborative partnerships between MRE and DV at the State and local levels. It next summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of conference participants about how to respond to different types of IPV. (Author abstract modified)