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Program manualThis Manual draws from previously developed resources created by the NHMRC as well as incorporating tools and strategies suggested by those working in the MRE field. 

The NHMRC was designed as a clearinghouse to advance the field of MRE.  Funded by the federal Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families Office of Family Assistance, the NHMRC has provided training and technical assistance to the125 federally funded healthy marriage grantees for four years.  During this time many lessons have been learned about how best to operate a successful MRE program.  Starting with building capacity in your own organization and among other community stakeholders and extending through evaluation activities, this Manual draws from the experiences of the past four years and the implementation of MRE in a variety of community-based settings. 
Starting with building capacity in your own organization and among other community stakeholders and extending through evaluation activities, this Manual draws from the experiences of the past four years and the implementation of MRE in a variety of community-based settings. 
Download a free PDF of this resource from the link on the right of this page or click on the Buy Now button to order a three-ring binder of the entire 179 page manual for only $15 to cover shipping and handling ($25 for international orders).