Below are links to blogs about marriage and relationships from researchers, practitioners and couples. Inclusion of a blog does not constitute an endorsement by the NHMRC.

Featured Blog Article: 

child and family blogThe Child & Family Blog was created to share the new knowledge that researchers create worldwide with all those who want to improve the lives of children—people who make policy, professionals who care for families and children, and families themselves.Authors include: Philip A. Cowan & Carolyn Pape Cowan: Professor of Psychology Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Psychology Emerita, University of California, Berkeley.


Other Blogs You Might Enjoy:

 Bill CoffinCoffin Corner by Bill Coffin

This blog contains the latest news and information that Bill Coffin shares with the field about marriage and relationships. Bill Coffin is the  former Special Assistant for Marriage Education at the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Read his daily newsletter Healthy Marriage Links and Clips.



Julie Baumgardner

The Family Column is a series of articles providing helpful information on families and marriages written by Julie Baumgardner of First Things First. It is publish

ed every Sunday in the Chattanooga Times Free Press.



Gottman Blog

The Gottman Relationship Blog 

Practical research-based tools from The Gottman Institute to strengthen and restore marriages and relationships



Healthy Relationships California

The Healthy Relationships California (HRC) Blog

The Healthy Relationships California (HRC) blog is designed to raise awareness about Relationship Education. Stories, articles and testimonies are frequently posted that share how relationship skills make a difference in couple and family relationships.


HitchedHitched by multiple marriage experts including Michele Weiner-Davis

This blog entertains, educates and inspires thoughts on marriage.




The Institute for Family Studies (IFS) is dedicated to strengthening marriage and family life, and advancing the well-being of children, through research and public education.


Justin Lehmiller

The Psychology of Human Sexuality | Dr. Justin J. Lehmiller

This site and blog was created in order to share the science of sex, love, and relationships in a way that is both engaging and accessible. Each article is rooted in science and actually cites the original research sources. The goal is for readers to learn responsible information about sex and relationships.  
Justin Lehmiller received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Purdue University and currently teaches in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University.

    Science of RelationshipsScience of Relationships

Blog posts from relationship scientists, who hold positions as professors at academic institutions where they teach about relationships, conduct and publish their own research findings in peer-reviewed academic journals, write books, and serve as reviewers or editorial board members for the major journals in the field.


Scott Stanley

Sliding vs Deciding by Scott Stanley, Ph.D.

This blog revolves around themes about the nature of commitment. Sliding vs. Deciding is a theme that comes out of Dr. Stanley's study of commitment dynamic

s in relationships. Based on his work-and that of his colleagues at the University of Denver (Galena Rhoades, Howard Markman, and others) and elsewhere, Dr. Stanley believes this idea of "sliding vs. deciding" captures something important about how romantic relationships develop in this day and age.


Wonder of Marriage

The Wonder of Marriage by Bob and Rita Boek

Bob and Rita have been married for more than forty years. They have four children and six grandchildren. They write about the lessons and joys and triumphs of marriage.