World Family Map 2015
The World Family Map report monitors the global health of families by tracking 16 indicators in 49 countries, representing all regions of the world. This year’s report includes an essay examining how parents divide labor-force participation, housework, and child care. See more 2014 Edition
2015 Healthy Marriage & Responsible Fatherhood Grantees
Administration for Children and Families Office of Family Assistance FY 2015 Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grantees
Marriage and Child Wellbeing Revisited
Marriage is on the decline, and a growing proportion of children are born to unmarried parents, many of them in unstable cohabiting unions. Research increasingly shows that family instability affects children’s cognitive and social-emotional development in ways that constrain their life chances. With an eye on these trends, the Future of Children first examined marriage […]
Blue Star Families Military Family Lifestyle Survey
The Blue Star Families Military Family Lifestyle Survey takes a comprehensive look at the current needs and priorities of military families and service members and identifies the key aspects of military life to effectively target resources, services, and programs that support the sustainability of the All-Volunteer Force. Military families are much like their civilian […]
Family Structure and Family Formation among Low-Income Hispanics in the U.S
This research brief, from the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families, provides a national portrait of low-income Hispanic families in the U.S. Having a better understanding of these families will help programs and policymakers in their efforts to assist these families. We use recent nationally-representative data to describe the relationship and childbearing histories […]
Why Marriage and Relationship Education Matters to Safety-Net Service Providers
This fact sheet outlines reasons why supporting and integrating healthy marriage education skills should matter to safety-net service providers.
An Evidence Framework to Improve Results
A framework put forward by the Friends of Evidence that explores the question: How do we use a framework of continuous learning to obtain and apply the kinds of evidence that will be most useful in achieving significantly greater outcomes? Read more about CSSP, Friends of Evidence and the 2014 Symposium on the Future […]
Do the Effects of a Relationship Education Program Vary for Different Types of Couples?
This paper explores effects of the Supporting Healthy Marriage (SHM) program for six subgroups of couples in the study. SHM’s impacts were generally consistent across these subgroups, though some evidence suggests that couples whose marriages were more distressed at study entry may have benefited more from SHM. Overview on MDRC Website
Family Strengthening Research: FY 2013
This report provides detailed summaries of major research investments by OPRE’s Division of Family Strengthening (DFS) along with brief overviews of past projects. The featured projects cover topics that include strengthening relationships within families, supporting fatherhood, nurturing children through their families, reducing teen pregnancy, and supporting youth in their transition to adulthood. The report also […]