The Amazing Race of a National Guard Couple
This activity gives seriously dating and engaged National Guard couples the opportunity to anticipate and discuss some of the challenges inherent to one or both partners being in the Guard.
Count Your Blessings
An activity to boost morale for grandparents who are caring for their deployed son’s or daughter’s children.
It’s a Plan
This is an activity for step-parents who might care for step-children while their spouse is deployed.
Understanding the Emotional Cycle of Deployment Quiz
A Quiz on the Emotional Cycle of Deployment
You’re Not Alone
An activity to help grandparents who are caring for children of deployed soldiers identify support systems.
National Guard Toolkit
This Toolkit is a compilation of exercises and Tip Sheets to enhance an MRE class or workshop. It is intended for those working with National Guard individuals, couples and families, but many of the exercises are relevant to working with other branches of the military. View Toolkit.