09 Jan
  • By timcooper
  • Cause in

Helping Couples Cope with Cancer: Tips for MRE Practitioners

New cancer diagnoses are expected to be around 1.5 million in 2010 (this number excludes some forms of skin cancer). The National Cancer Institute estimates that approximately 11.4 million Americans with a history of cancer were alive in January 2006. Some of these individuals were cancer-free while others still had evidence of cancer and may […]

09 Jan
  • By timcooper
  • Cause in

Mental Health and M/RE: What’s the Connection?

The fields of mental health and marriage/relationship education (MRE) both reflect knowledge and expertise in relationships and human communications. Together, they can support a common goal: to help individuals and couples form and maintain lasting, healthy relationships. This Tip Sheet is intended to give marriage/relationship educators information and ideas to develop partnerships with providers of […]

09 Jan
  • By timcooper
  • Cause in

Promising Practices Guide – Healthy Marriage and Relationship Programs: Promising Practices in Serving Low-Income and Culturally Diverse Populations

This guide shares what we have learned to date about promising practices in healthy marriage and relationship (HMR) programs, especially those serving low-income and culturally diverse populations. It is intended to be helpful to a variety of audiences, including those who are interested in starting a new program, those already involved in running a program, […]