Katherine Robredo
Katherine is a therapist in private practice in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She is the Director of the Rocky Mountain Family Academy at the Front Range Institute and has 28 years of experience as a marriage and family therapist and life skills educator. Katherine is a popular presenter and teaches workshops on marriage, parenting and facilitator trainings throughout the country. She is the co-developer of the popular Warm it Up: Facilitators Program and Workbook and has been published in several magazines and journals. Katherine also serves as a Technical Consultant to the Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement and as a military family and life consultant for military members throughout the United States and Europe.
Maureen Griner
Maureen Griner is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has been teaching parenting and marriage education programs for over 15 years. During this time, most of her focus has been on serving military families at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She also provides technical assistance on marriage and family life education to several refugee groups around the country. Maureen has presented at several national conferences on facilitator enhancement skills and is passionate about helping professionals create programs that have a high impact on families. She is a National Trainer and Consultant for the Nurturing Parenting Program and an Infant Massage trainer for the International Association of Infant Massage. She also has vast experience teaching many different curricula.