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GoodTherap.org 2012 Top Ten

NHMRC Named in GoodTherapy.org’s Top 10 List

One of the top therapist directories on the web, GoodTherapy.org, has named both healthymarriageinfo.org and Twoofus.org to their top 10 list of best resources on the web for 2012 related to marriage and couples counseling to help people better understand and cope with relationship issues. The criteria used to make the selection included: quality and depth of content, presentation, and functionality. Read more.

2013 Hispanic Healthy Marriage Webinar Series

Webinar resources from Andrew Behnke, Ph.D., webinar, Improving the Lives of Latino Families through Effective Practice and Research.

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New Tip Sheet for Working with First Responders

First responders (an elite group including police officers/fire fighters/paramedics) are often regarded as “heroes” who are passionate about their public service roles, and who provide invaluable and life-saving services to the community. However, along with demanding work schedules, some of the core skills that make first responders successful in their job can also create challenges in maintaining a healthy relationship with partners and family members.

This tip sheet provides valuable tips for practitioners to successfully deliver MRE services to first responders.

Putting Youth Relationship Education on the Child Welfare Agenda: Findings from a Research and Evaluation Review

group-teen.jpgThis document published by Child Trends provides a model of change and reviews the research and evaluation evidence on relationship education for foster care youth. In so doing it discusses the needs of disadvantaged young people around intimate partner relationships; summarizes research on the implications of relationships for child development; identifies common ground and also gaps in the research; and makes recommendations about opportunities to further improve relationship skills among these disadvantaged youth.

The State of our Unions 2012: The President's Marriage Agenda for the Forgotten Sixty Percent

This joint annual publication of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia and the Center for Marriage and Families at the Institute for American Values includes the essay, Marriage and Relationship Education: A promising strategy for strengthening low-income, vulnerable families.

By Theodora Ooms, National Healthy Marriage Resource Center, and Alan J. Hawkins, Brigham Young University.

2013 Tax Credit Outreach Community Tool Kit

Your efforts to inform low- and moderate- income working families about the Earned Income Credit (EIC) are vital to ensuring that millions of such families do not miss out on this valuable federal tax credit during these difficult economic conditions. Many low-wage tax filers in 2013 may be eligible for an EIC worth up to $5,891. The boost provided by the EIC and other valuable federal tax credits provide many working families the opportunity to pay their household bills and meet their children’s needs even through salary cutbacks or periods of unemployment. www.eitcoutreach.org.

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