Featured this month at the NHMRC
Discover Relationship Advice for Couples at TwoofUs.org
Are you one of the 50,000 unique monthly visitors to our companion website TwoofUs.org? While there is no recipe for creating the perfect relationship, couples in all stages of relationships find helpful resources at TwoofUs.org. Check out our videos, articles, interactive polls and healthy relationship tools for dating, engaged or married individuals. While you’re at it, join our over 18,000 fans on Facebook!
Research Based Resources are just a Click Away
Tip Sheets – Our website features over 150 Tip Sheets for your use. A Tip Sheet is between one and two pages in length. It contains a brief description of the issue and includes concrete strategies (tips) that you can implement in your program or relationship to overcome common challenges. More
Fact Sheets – Find over 100 Fact Sheets on our website. Our Fact Sheets are typically three to five pages in length, including citations. Each Fact Sheet provides key statistics related to a given topic and a summary of that data. It may also include charts or graphs to further convey the information. More
Hispanic Healthy Marriage & Responsible Fatherhood Strengthening Families Forum | May 21-22, 2013 at the University of Miami Alumni Center
This Forum is designed specifically for faith- and community-based organizations, healthy marriage community coalitions, colleges and universities, healthy marriage and fatherhood grantees, public and private organizations, Head Start and Community Action Agencies, state and local human service agencies, and practitioners from various disciplines. Download a registration form here.
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