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2012 Year of Change

New Year’s Greetings from the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center!

We are proud of the contributions we made to the field of Marriage and Relationship Education over the past year and are excited about the coming year! Send your updates to info@healthymarriageinfo.org.

Although we are no longer funded through a federal grant we are committed to continue to provide the quality resources and technical assistance that you have come to associate with the NHMRC.

The Public Strategies team has more than a decade of experience:
• managing the nation’s largest and longest running statewide healthy marriage initiative
• delivering marriage and relationship education to diverse populations in an array of settings
• managing the country’s largest online learning web site for marriage and
• providing many years of technical assistance to sites delivering marriage and relationship education across the U.S.

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But we aren’t here just for our own benefit; we want to tell your story! So don’t hesitate to send us updates on your work, resources, opportunities and needs. We will do our best to take your story to the streets through our websites and network.

To a similar end, Public Strategies has embarked on a journey to effect positive change in the lives of those we serve. Visit www.ChangeNeverStops.com for a little inspiration, accountability and the opportunity to share your commitment to be the change you wish to see!

Rich Batten
Project Director
National Healthy Marriage Resource Center

Check out these new resources at the NHMRC:

The National Guard Facilitator Toolkit

Outreach Strategies for Marriage and Relationship Education in Rural Communities

Marital Quality in African American Marriages

OFA Grantee Collection by Topic

Child Support and MRE: A Case Study of the p.a.p.a. Curriculum

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