Featured this month at the NHMRC
What are the most effective approaches to disseminating research on human services programs—including your program? This dissemination framework is a companion piece to a comprehensive literature review published by the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, which reviews relevant literature from human services, health care, and other fields. The study combines dissemination models with communication theory and discusses barriers to dissemination. It offers solutions and principles relevant for dissemination through multiple venues. Read more.
Social Media & PSAs
Looking to use social media effectively? Check out these resources: Using Social Media: Managing the Good and the Bad Getting the Most out of Social Media for Your MRE Program Free Public Service Announcements (print, audio, billboard and video)
Our Resources Are Your Resources
We were recently approached by a training specialist for the Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Center who wanted to use several of our resources in a series of “train the trainer” events. We were happy to accommodate them, and we will gladly grant you permission to use any of our resources as well. Most of our materials are in the public domain and available for your use. We ask only that you maintain the integrity of the original piece and let people know where you found the resource.
Tips for a Successful Resource Search
Make the most of your resource search on HealthyMarriageInfo.org by following these simple tips:
- Check the spelling of your search terms.
- Make sure that your search terms do not include punctuation such as commas, apostrophes, or colons.
- Ensure your search terms do not include articles or prepositions such as “but,” “by,” “or,” “the,” “etc.” or the word "and."
- Read more.
Upcoming Conferences (provided as a public service)
- Marriage & Relationship Education Conference – Champions for Marriages, Families, Parents & Children. August 25-30, 2013 in Anaheim, CA. For more information and to register, visit www.narmeconference.com
- The 15th Annual International Fatherhood Conference – Taking Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Families to the Next Level: Evidence Based Programs, Policies and Outcomes. June 11-14, 2014 in Orlando, FL. For more information and to register, visit npclstrongfamilies.com
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