Featured this month at the NHMRCHealthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grantee Performance Measures
Follow the Health and Human Services Grant Forecast for the latest on forthcoming Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Grants or follow our What’s New in the Field feed, Facebook or Twitter accounts. The current release date is April 2, 2015. |
Marriage/Relationship Education (MRE) Program Development and Management Manual Chapter 3 of this manual provides helpful tips on building a budget and funding your program. Topics include:
You can download a free PDF of this resource or purchase a three-ring binder of the entire 179-page manual for only a small shipping and handling fee. Read more.
Family Strengthening Research: FY 2014This report provides detailed summaries of major research investments by the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation’s (OPRE) Division of Family Strengthening (DFS) along with brief overviews of past projects. The featured projects cover topics that include strengthening relationships within families, supporting fatherhood, nurturing children through their families, reducing teen pregnancy, supporting youth in their transition to adulthood, and preventing family violence. The report also describes DFS’s investments in activities to disseminate rigorous research on family strengthening topics to a diverse range of stakeholders including federal and state policymakers, program administrators, researchers and intermediary organizations. This report covers OPRE-funded projects through Fiscal Year 2014. Read more.
Extension Resources to Support Relationship Education The National Extension Relationship and Marriage Education Network (NERMEN) has a new and updated website! At nermen.org you have access to NERMEN resources developed to support professionals in teaching relationship education, including the National Extension Relationship and Marriage Education Model (NERMEM) as well as ELEVATE, a new couples education curriculum. In addition, the website shares curricula, fact sheets and other resources developed by Extension designed to strengthen and enrich couple and marital relationships. Read more.
NO MORE Week: March 8-14NO MORE is a movement to raise public awareness and engage bystanders around ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Launched in March 2013 by a coalition of leading advocacy and service organizations and major corporations, NO MORE is supported by hundreds of domestic violence and sexual assault organizations at the local, state and national levels. These organizations use NO MORE’s signature blue symbol to increase visibility and funding to address these critical issues. NO MORE Week is a national effort to engage every individual, organization, or corporation to say NO MORE and to make domestic violence and sexual assault awareness and prevention a priority year-round. The NHMRC encourages you to utilize resources from the NO MORE campaign and our friends at the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. Read more. |
Program ListingProgram Listing Is your healthy marriage and relationship program listed on our websites? We have an ever-growing directory of healthy marriage and relationship education programs located across the country, with more than 80,000 combined monthly visits to our two websites. Search the program listings on Healthymarriageinfo.org and Twoofus.org to be certain your program is listed on these popular sites. Send program information and updates via email to info@healthymarriageinfo.org. The National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC) is a clearinghouse for high quality, balanced and timely information and resources on healthy marriage/relationships and managed by Public Strategies.
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