Better Marriages California
Better Marriages California is a chapter of Better Marriages, an international, nonprofit, non-sectarian organization whose purpose is to promote better marriages by providing enrichment opportunities and resources that strengthen couple relationships, increase intimacy and enhance personal growth, mutual fulfillment and family wellness. Better Marriage is a network of couples and professionals in the field of marriage education and enrichment dedicated to enriching their own marriages and other marriages in their communities. Trained lay-couples facilitate various types of events in the San Jose area.
The Couples Institute
445 Burgess Drive, Suite 150
Menlo Park, CA 94025
This amazing weekend workshop teaches secrets of building and sustaining a flourishing relationship. Among other things, you will learn how to:
Successfully handle your differences and disagreements, actually growing closer from them;
Set goals and build the foundation for all future changes with your partner;
Negotiate strategies that build trust and respect;
Reduce stress and tension in your relationship; and,
Apply these valuable skills to other areas of your life.
Couples Communication Enrichment Program
PSYCHWEST, Clinical and Forensic Psychology
1445 Butte House Road, Suite F
Yuba City, CA 95993
Program provides excellent services for couples wishing to increase their communication skills and intimacy within their relationship or marriage. By pinpointing specific areas of strengths and weaknesses in their verbal, nonverbal and listening communication, it allows for enhanced understanding of communication patterns so that they may advance their relationship with each other. Additionally, it offers training and certification to professionals in the Couples Communication Enrichment Program using CCES and Intimate Communication Model to aid in their work with couples, helping to improve communication patterns and satisfaction with one another.
FuturoNow The East Los Angeles Community Union (TELACU)
5400 W. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90022
Jose Villalobos
FuturoNow exists to stand in the gap for faith and community based organizations that do not have the access to the large amount of resources provided through state and federal funding streams. FuturoNow acts as a bridge to these funding streams by applying for funds so that Latino based organizations can replicate evidence based programs or bring capacity-building activities to their communities. The FuturoNow growing network is providing opportunities to partner and provide these services to the communities in which they have long-standing trusted relationships. The success has been astounding by training over 400 facilitators who have provided relationship enhancement classes to 22,000 people and provided training and technical assistance to over 200 organizations.
Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant
The Dibble Fund for Marriage Education
P.O. Box 7881
Berkeley, CA 94707
The Dibble Institute for Marriage Education, a nonprofit organization, helps young people learn how to create healthy romantic relationships now and in the future. We offer tools for teaching the practical skills essential for enhancing friendships, dating and love. Just as important, we assist teens in creating the personal vision that keeps them on a positive path.
Healthy Marriage Program
Catholic Charities of Orange County, Inc.
1800 East 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Heather Love, heatherlove@ccoc.org
The Counseling Center provides professional individual and group counseling services, parent education services, and family enrichment programs. Professional counseling services are provided by licensed therapists and supervised pre-licensed therapists. Areas of specialization are personal empowerment, domestic violence, anger management and bereavement counseling.
Hendricks Institute, Inc and Foundation for Conscious Living
226 W. Ojai Avenue
Suite 101, PMB 505
Ojai, CA 93023
We are an International Learning Center that teaches core skills for conscious living. Our work over the past three decades has been to assist people in opening to more creativity, love, and vitality — through the power of conscious relationship and whole-person learning.
Keeping Love Alive
The AngerCoach™ — Dr. Fiore & Associates
381 S. Carole Lane
Orange, CA 92869
Dr Fiore & Associates, LLC, is a company with a mission to provide anger and stress management solutions for individuals, couples, companies, facilities, agencies, and EAPs. Dr Fiore is a certified Anger Management Provider by the National Anger Management Association. In addition to providing services directly to clients, his company, in partnership with Century Anger Management, provides Certification anger management training for mental health professionals, substance abuse professionals, law enforcement and criminal justice professionals, and pastoral professionals.
Life-Changing Couples Retreats
323 East Matilija Street #158
Ojai, CA 93023
Janis E. McCann, Ph.D. & David R. McCann, Ph.D.
The Center for Conscious Relationships offers several different workshops, specifically targeted toward Couples, Individuals and Parents, and available at our home base in the Ojai – Santa Barbara and Central California areas. We also offer workshops at other locations around Southern California, including the Los Angeles and San Diego areas and Northern California, including San Jose, Marin and Mendocino Counties.
6770 Eagle Ridge Road
Penngrove, CA 94951-9728
A world in which healthy, joyful relationships free people to contribute to the well-being of one another and of the Earth.
Marriage Enrichment Program
Cambodian Association of America
2390 Pacific Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90806
CAA recognizes that serious pressures, socio-economic hardship, cultural norms that undervalue women and defined gender roles, faced by Asian Pacific Islander and Hispanic immigrants and families, can lead to depression, divorce and a breakdown in family functioning.
Secrets of Married Men
989 Market Street, Fifth Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Samantha Rubenstein
Scott Haltzman, M.D., is the founder and editor of SecretsofMarriedMen.com, HappilyMarriedWomen.com and 365Reasons.com and author of The Secrets of Happily Married Men and The Secrets of Happily Married Women.
Taller San Jose
801 N. Broadway
Santa Ana, CA 92701
David Saldana
Taller San Jose walks undereducated, unskilled and unemployed youth out of poverty by way of a strategically designed job training program. Taller San Jose acts as a powerful broker in the community – recruiting youth who are least likely to return to education or training and providing them a support system that mentors them into productive adulthood. Prospective students can choose from one of three 16-week paid training programs that focus on key industry sectors Medical Careers Academy, Office Careers Academy or the Taller Tech Construction Academy.
Thriving Marriage
376 Center Street #314
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Doris Flor
Don and Doris Flor – 53 years of marriage…15 years of strengthening marriages by teaching marriage education skills combined with peer counseling. The reason peer counseling works is because one way that we humans learn is through socializing. We pick up on good habits, learn from others past bad habits; and learn new skills and exchange ideas throughout social networks.
We believe that love and marriage are skill-based propositions; couples can learn how to increase the behaviors that make a marriage successful and decrease those associated with marital distress and divorce. Research finds that we are different about the marriages that make it – that go the distance and stay happy – are behaviors and skills.
Ultimate Relationships
1295 Prospect Street, Ste 201
La Jolla, CA 92037
Their vision is to develop the field of Strategic Intervention integrating elements from a variety of social science, business and political perspectives, in order to form a unified field of strategic practice.
United American Indian Involvement
Develop and Implement Strengthening American Indian Families
Administration for Native Americans
1125 W. 6th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
This is a five-year project to provide education in youth organizations and community centers on the value of healthy relationship skills including conflict resolution, communication, commitment, marriage education, marriage skills, parenting skills, and relationship skills.
To have your program or organization considered for addition to the list, send an e-mail to info@healthymarriageinfo.org.