A Center For Relationships
316 Commerce Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
The Center offers seminars, workshops and classes on relationship skills, personality styles, emotional healing, as well as individual, couples, family, stepfamily and child therapy.
Compass Marriage & Relationship Services
21129 Timberlake Road
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Larry Compter, M.A., C.F.L.E., Executive Director
Compass is an independent, faith-based nonprofit organization that provides resources and training for building healthy marriages and families. Services include marriage workshops and retreats, premarital preparation, and relationship skills training for youth and adults. We also assist faith organizations, schools, counselors, public and nonprofit agencies and businesses to develop marriage and family-friendly programs and ministries.
First Things First of Greater Richmond
2101 Maywill Street
Richmond, VA 23230
Bob Ruthazer, CFLE
First Things First is a community non-profit dedicated to strengthening families for a better community. We offer research proven programs like: PREPARE-ENRICH certification and mentor training, PREP, Christian-PREP, Boot Camp for New Dads, Within My Reach, Relationship Smarts, Choose Respect, Safe Dates, Boot Camp for New Dads, 24/7 Dad, Inside-Out Dad, When Baby Makes Three and more. We collaborate extensively and have a broad Marriage Coalition of fait based, government and business partners.
Granato Counseling Services, Inc.
FIT Relationships is a program that provides several workshops that teach communication, parenting and financial literacy education in a format that is informative, practical and enjoyable!
Hope Couples Project
Regent University
1000 Regent U Drive, CRB 161
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
This project offers free/low cost couples counseling using the Hope-focused strategic approach to couples counseling. The intervention can be religious if desired. Community speakers, outreach events, marriage seminars and certification/continuing education in the Hope approach for counselors and ministers are also available to the Hampton Roads community. The Hope approach has over a decade of University-based empirical outcome research supporting its efficacy and has been independently evaluated as one of four empirically-supported approaches to couples enrichment. Most couples would be accepted in the project with special current research involving military marriages, Hope for parents, couples with mild domestic violence and African-American couples.
Marriage & Relationship Coaching Center
5200 Grove Ave
Richmond, VA 23226
Bob Ruthazer, CFLE
Marriage & Relationship Coaching Center is a community resource for Marriage and Family Coaching and Education. Our Founders and Directors are Dianne & Bob Ruthazer, CFLE are widely recognized as the “Marriage Experts” in Central Virginia and Bob is a Certified Family Life Educator by the National Council on Family Relations. Bob is also part time staff at St Giles Presbyterian Church and he is Founder of First Things First of Greater Richmond, a non-profit dedicated to strengthening families where he still serves part time. They provide expert Marriage Coaching/Education to couples at all stages (in person and by SKYPE) and training of clergy & counselors in Prepare-Enrich and FOCCUS. They are the areas most experienced Marriage & Relationship Educators in proven national programs like: PREP and Christian-PREP, PAIRS, PICK-A-Partner, Within My/Our Reach, Relationship Smarts, and When Baby Makes Three. We serve individuals from all walks of life, Churches, Faith based & Community non-profit and Government agencies.
PAIRS Pre-Marital Workshop
Reston, VA
For over 25 years, this internationally acclaimed program has taught those really important skills we never learned in school: how to create and sustain happy, passionate, long-lasting marriages. PAIRS’ classroom approach includes dynamic, humorous, eye-opening interactive exercises and interesting concepts. Participants are enthused and enjoy workshops that provide them effective skills they can use daily with all their close relationships. PAIRS’ learning-by-doing approach accelerates positive change
To have your program or organization considered for addition to the list, send an e-mail to info@healthymarriageinfo.org.